The TTM Team

01 Team

The TTM-Russia team is a close-knit team of professionals aimed at effectively solving the problem of maximizing customer satisfaction in obtaining high-quality ABS production equipment.

Clear interaction of all parts of the working team: from project managers, foreign trade specialists, process engineers and service engineers to marketers and financiers allows us to guarantee the Customer an individual approach when selecting an automated control system, the most favorable conditions for its purchase, prompt delivery, professional support during installation and start-up, quick response when solving operational issues.

TTM is aimed at maintaining a constructive dialogue with its partners to receive feedback. This position gives the company the opportunity to respond sensitively to the current needs and challenges of the industry, developing and improving the equipment produced.

We confidently assert that our technologies are a working tool for real industry leaders!

02 Staff

Team Members:


Denis Apkalimov

Founder and main inspirer of the team, TTM brand ambassador

Natalia Ladova

Chief Operating Officer, “heart and motor” of the team

Service department

Anatoly Shchepetov

Chief Engineer

Almaz Abdelmanov


Evgeniya Mzhelskaya

Head of the Service Department

Alexey Pigul

Service Engineer

Evgeny Vereshchagin

Service Engineer

Alexey Senatorov

Head of Software Department